People who post motivational bullshit can fuck right off

People who continually post bullshit so-called motivational posts can fuck right off, according to a new charity.

The Grumpy Fuckers Veterans Society said that those who spend days posting motivational bullshit never really achieve anything in life themselves.

A spokeswoman for the group said:

“I see it all the time on social media. These fuckers who are posting this shit are the ones who sit at home all day eating Cheetos. They’re not the ones who’ve been out there and achieved things. And when I’m in a really bad mood, I see shit like ‘You’ve Got This’ and ‘You Are Enough’. NO! I haven’t got fuck all and who am I not enough for? I’ve deleted all my friends on social media who post this shit and I’ve found that I’m left with one neighbour I never speak to and an old friend who I don’t speak to because he just wants to get in my knickers.”

A recent survey has found that people who post motivational bollocks are less likely to actually follow their own advice.

“People who post motivational bullshit can fuck right off,” said the spokeswoman before punching a dog in the face.

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