Scientists have successfully established a link between obesity and eating too much shit.
The boffins concluded that eating too much shit makes you fat fucker.
Prof. Brian CleverClogs told Grumpy Fuckers:
“We’ve finally established a conclusive link between obesity and eating shit. Of course, there are people who are overweight through no fault of their own. But for the vast majority of people, they are overweight because of the shit they stuff down their necks. Our study looked at the eating habits of hundreds of subjects and we found that people who ate crap that they don’t need to eat are usually fat. Those who ate a more considered and healthy diet were not so fat. We therefore conclude that eating too much shit makes you obese.”
One fat fucker said:
“It’s true. I really don’t care what I eat or what my kids eat. I think nothing of eating three fast food meals a day. Alright, so I’m the size of a house but I’m happy. All fat people are content in life and that’s all that really matters.”
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