Scientists have shown that dogs take at least 25 minutes to find the perfect place to shit.
Unlike humans, who just drop their guts at the nearest WC, dogs need a particular place to lay a cable.
Brian CleverClogs who headed up the investigation told Grumpy Fuckers:
“We’ve been studying these dogs over a period of several months and with our stopwatches, we figured that dogs take a tremendous amount of time looking for the perfect place to shit. We’ve no idea why this is the case. We just know that they take a very long time. In some cases, dogs go away as far from their owners as they can. This isn’t a privacy thing. They just want to piss the owners off as they then have to walk have a mile to pick the shit up. In one experiment we did, one dog decided to go to a neighbouring town for his shit. He caught the bus there and back.”
Dog owner Jimmy Bigballs said:
“I take my dog out for 25 minutes a day and every minutes of that walk is him looking for a place to shit.”