People with shit handwriting have been told that it’s possible that they have a higher-than-average IQ.
Boffins at a local university have told Grumpy Fuckers that people whose handwriting is shit are more likely to be clever.
Professor Timmy CleverClogs told Grumpy Fuckers:
“We’ve all seen those doctors’ prescriptions and I can’t read those for shit. We decided to do some digging into this and it appears that these people are so fucking clever that their brains wire out and causes them to write any old shit. Those with neat writing turned out to be proper dunces. They may be able to write neatly but they don’t half write some crap. If you’re writing’s all over the place, you can guarantee that you’re a clever bastard.”
Schoolteacher Simon BigHead said:
“I’m so clever that when I go to write, I find myself scribbling all over the page. I can’t help it. It’s just the way I am.”
Higher intelligence has also been linked to people having shit eyesight and needing to wear glasses.

My handwriting utterly sucks and I’m half bloody blind! I must be a fucking genius! R. i
g. H. t?
If shit hand writing is linked to higher intellegence, Im fucking brilliant!
My teachers always criticised my handwriting and I have been wearing glasses due to myopia since 1966. But I’ve always known I was a fucking genius anyway.
Great GOD….I’m some sort of genius,then!
I always thought my crap handwriting was because I am left handed. Who knew?