Scientists have officially proved that intelligent people are the grumpiest fuckers on earth.
The study showed that those who have an IQ of 140 or more were the grumpiest fuckers known to mankind.
Professor CleverClogs who commissioned and carried out the study, told Grumpy Fuckers:
“We’ve all had an inkling that those with greater intelligence seem to be the ones who are the grumpiest. We think it’s because they realise what a shitfest this world really is. Those with less intelligence live in a sort of ignorant bubble where everything is lovely and delightful. Our study has shown that the cleverer the person, the more they realise that life sucks – and hence the grumpiness.”
One participant of the study said:
“I’m a Doctor of Human Psychology and I’ve spent many years studying humans and their relationship with each other and the world. Sadly, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s all a load of shit. This gets me down and makes me sad.”
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This is SO fucking true! I have an IQ of 142, speak 6 languages and have a degree in Business Studies and am the grumpiest fucker since grumpy fuckers began! There is always something to make me angry.
Einstein would have been a sight to behold in his day. Possibly the Grumpiest Fucker of all Time (G.F.A.T)
Ah so this is one of those sites where people come to fellate themselves.