The Government has ordered BMW to recall 5 million of their cars after it was discovered that none of the indicators work on their cars.
The car manufacturer has yet to respond to the request, which follows on the news that VW will have to recall some of their cars due to falsified emission tests.
Government spokesman Dan Greysuit told Grumpy Fuckers:
“We’ve been getting calls from motorists and police officers across the country telling us that flashers on the side of BMWs are not working. Whether they are pulling into a different lane on the motorway or just coming around a roundabout, it seems that no-one is aware of where the BMW is heading because its indicators just simply aren’t working. We would like BMW to look into this as a matter of urgency.”
But it seems that the indicators ARE working but that some BMW drivers are not aware of their existence.
Driver Clive Snitch said:
“Indicators? Eh? In my car? Ha ha. Don’t be stupid! Eh? On the side of my steering wheel? Really?…Good god, you’re right. I thought that was just there to flash my lights to people when I’m driving up their arseholes at 90mph.”

finally a site dedicated to the art of being grumpy !!!
Goes for Queensland,s cars here in Australia
BMW (baby man Weinie) cars recalled for not being able to flash anyone