For those still reeling from Monday – fear not – Fuck Off Friday is here!
Fuck Off Friday is a day where those who are allowed to vocalise their most innermost thoughts to those around them.
Many people use the day as an opportunity to tell those who get on their tits to fuck off – hence the name.
Clive GrimGrits, who owns Grumpy Fuckers Coffee Shop told GrumpyFuckers:
“Most of us go through our days wanting to tell people what they really think about their friends, family and work colleagues. Fuck Off Friday is a perfect opportunity to tell it as it is. Only this morning, I bumped into an old school friend. He was thick as shit in school but he passed by in his top-of-the-range Mercedes and a big-titted woman in his passenger seat. He came into my shop and asked me how I was doing and I told him that I was struggling to run the shop and that my missis had left me earlier this month. He told me to ‘keep my chin’ up so I told him fuck off. I haven’t seen him since and that’s fine by me because he’s a right cockwomble and not the sort of person I want to spend time with.”
Grumpy Fucker Debbie DroopyArse said:
“I can’t wait until Fridays now because that’s the day I get to tell my twat of a husband what I really think of him.”
Fuck Off Friday is celebrated all around the world and anyone can join in. How do you celebrate Fuck Off Friday?
Looking for the gift of love this Christmas? Get our 2021 Grumpy Fuckers Year Planner. Click on the image below to get yours.

I missed fuck off friday, I slept trhough it. Being Saturday now, I choose Suck It Saturday! I’m telling all those arseholes who run their stupid mouths without a clue as to what they’re saying to “ Suck It!!” There, that feels better
Happy Fuck Off Friday,from the east coast of Canada,where we get to start telling people to fuck off,before the rest of the entire continent.