An angry wife has filed for divorce from her husband after her failed to dispose of an empty toilet roll holder.
Rita Bunce’s husband Terry left the toilet roll holder in the bathroom, even when the bin was right next to him.
Rita told Grumpy Fuckers:
“I can’t believe I married that lazy slob. He sat there for 25 minutes dropping his guts and couldn’t even be arsed to open the bin and put the empty toilet roll holder in the bin. It was right next to him! If he’d only put it in the bin, we’d have the happiest marriage in the world but the fact is that this has been going on for a while now. It can’t go on any more. I’ve instructed my solicitor to start divorce proceedings against him.”
Husband Terry said:
“She’s set me up to this. She’s a very crafty woman. If she’s getting to the end of a toilet roll, she’ll use as little as possible so that she doesn’t finish it off. That way, she never has to reach down and put it in the bin. I feel sad about it all but sometimes, that’s just the way the cookie crumbles I’m afraid.”