Gin coolers are to be installed in workplaces in an effort to make work more bearable.
A trial at an office in Cardiff saw productivity rise by 500%, with office workers laughing and singing their way through the day.
Office manager Mary Dangleberry told Grumpy Fuckers:
“We’re always looking at ways to make our workplaces a better place to be and the introduction of the gin cooler really worked a treat. By 10am, we were all laughing and singing and at lunchtime, we had karaoke on the desks. Admittedly, we were struggling to get to the end of the day by 5pm and and 6pm, we were dragging our sorry arses out the door. But all in all, it was well worth it. We noticed that we worked much harder, did things a lot quicker and there wasn’t too much in the way of vomit to clear up after.”
Office worker Theresa said:
“It was great. It really made all the lads in the office look half-fuckable, which was nice. I felt like a bag of shit the next day though.”

Grumpy fucker on days that end in Y………..
change it to fucking tequila anyone need some fuck in salt
change it to fucking tequila anyone need some fuck in salt