People who get a bad night’s sleep 100% more likely to mention it on social media


People who have a bad night’s sleep are 100% more likely to mention it on social media, according to a new report.

That’s the conclusion of a study carried out by the University of Little Hope.

Professor CleverDick, who undertook the study, told GrumpyFuckers:

“People who don’t get a good night’s sleep feel the need to tell people that they are not getting a good night’s sleep. Often, the subjects will be awake for about 2 hours on average, but they are likely to double that average before posting the news to their social media account. We are not sure why this phenomenon occurs but it’s more likely to come from someone who’s feeling particularly needy. I myself, for instance, only had 3 hours of sleep last night and I felt that my friends should know about this. As it turned out, they couldn’t have given a shit and my Facebook status was wasted.”

The study showed that bad sleepers are also likely to act like arseholes during the day.

“We find that people who lack sleep at night are often grumpy fuckers during the day,” added Professor CleverDick.


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