Inspirational memes posted by social media users cure up to 98% of cases of depression, it has been claimed.
Social media users who post inspirational memes are often viewed as experts in curing mental health disorders.
One social media user told Grumpy Fuckers:
“I was down on my luck. I was really having a hard time of things and I couldn’t see a way out. Then I logged onto my social media account and saw something that one of my expert friends had posted. It was a picture of a sunset, saying that ‘I was enough’. I wasn’t exactly sure what or what I was enough for but thanks to my friend, I’m now completely cured of my depression. My life has completely turned around thanks to their inspirational quote. I feel like a new person. I now laugh in the face of depression and I skip to work every morning like a child. It’s been an amazing journey.”
The user who posted the inspiration quote said:
“I knew I could help.”
A recent study has shown that nearly all cases of depression can be totally cured by reading an inspirational meme.